Blue Skies, Sunshine, and a Healthy Lifestyle: They’re All Here

As the post-pandemic world finally opens up, many families in communities like Northstar, are eager to get out of the house and back to normal. Kids are ready to get back to the REAL school, with in-person teachers and friends…lots of friends…to hang with. Parents are ready for this too! Adults are also ready to work with colleagues, without the filter of a Zoom meeting.
Is anybody ready for a nice meal at a restaurant? Check! How about a movie? Check!
Amid these changes, many families have noticed they have picked up some “hardware” that was used to maintain physical fitness and sanity during the pandemic. It’s exercise equipment and it is everywhere – from the garage to the guest bedroom.
A HOT, New Exercise Product
Recently, Jason Gay, a writer for the highly-respected Wall Street Journal (and a very funny dude), wrote about a brand new piece of exercise equipment. It’s something that every family needs in the post-pandemic world.
“Hey, everybody, so I’ve been trying out an exercise product this spring, and I have to say, it’s pretty cool. It’s nothing fancy, or even new—you could say it’s a little bit old school. It’s not advertised on television, it’s not a heavily hyped idea from a Silicon Valley unicorn, it doesn’t have a touch screen or any kind of screen it doesn’t employ a celebrity spokesperson, it doesn’t come by truck, it’s not expensive, and it requires no down payment or subscription.
It’s called The Outside. And I have to say, it’s quite good.
“It’s very simple, The Outside. To use it, all you have to do is open the front door, and there you are: outside! That’s it. No mess, no fuss, no complicated instruction manual, no charger, no batteries, no Bluetooth, no installation, no 800 number to wait 45 minutes to tell a voice robot that it’s on the fritz and you would like a refund, only to realize you were disconnected 40 minutes ago.
“The Outside doesn’t work like that. You don’t have to watch an explanatory video on YouTube. You simply step outside, and from there, you can walk, run, sprint, crawl, dance, hike, bike, unicycle, juggle chainsaws while riding a unicycle, pogo stick, play golf, play tennis, play pickleball, fence, joust, kick, chop, climb, skydive, or simply stand and look up at that bright yellow orb in the sky and feel that warmth on your face.”
Northstar Has the (Best) Outside
There are few places more glorious to enjoy The Outside than Northstar. This master-planned community, located just north of Fort Worth, has been meticulously designed to take advantage of the year-round mild climate of North Texas. The amenities of this community are fantastic.
Northstar will soon have paved fitness paths that are 10 feet wide and run along both sides of Northstar Parkway. Whether running, walking, or biking, the scenery is spectacular. These winding trails are easily accessible to every home and safe for both kids and adults as they pass through the community common spaces.
Nothing beats a cool splash in the resort-sized Northstar pools for both Little Dippers and Big Dippers! Northstar will have multiple pools and playgrounds, as well as a splash pad, a soccer field, and an indoor amenity center with game rooms and event space.
Want to meet the neighbors? The large, luxurious amenity complex is designed to be convenient for all residents of the community. It includes flexible indoor event space and a lifestyle director who manages year-round healthy living programs.
Get Out There
Save that home exercise equipment for those rare days when it rains or is too chilly to wander outside. However, when the North Texas sun is shining, the birds are singing and the green grass and trees are dazzling, check out The Outside at Northstar.
It’s stunning.